
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Summer Time Ewwwws!

Now that summer's approaching, we all must warn our eyes. While sometimes there are nice hot people in shorts and swimming attire everywhere, there are some things our eyes should never see. It's something I will never understand.

Oh I've been to Wal-mart and seen the trashy side of trash. The women with bad teeth, big boobs and no bras. **SHUDDER**, the ugly hairy men daring to go sleeveless with the big beer belly and too short shorts drinking a diet pepsi(are you kidding me?)...a true poster child for lesbianism. If these people don't have enough sense to stay away from the public, they sure as hell don't have the sense to stay away from swimming attire. Now, I am no Jennifer Aniston myself, but at least I can cover myself up. I'm not saying we all should slink away and never go out if we are tipping the truck scales upward....just have enough sense to NOT wear a bikini and think you're as hot as anyone.

Give our eyes a rest for summer.

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