
Friday, April 07, 2006


I've written in my live journal for the morning...but thought I might mention my thoughts here. Funny how ideas occur to you. I will be writing a true to life story about Brittany and struggles I went through and I've thought about James Frey and in some respects it's no different than a movie disclaimer that says, "some names have been changed..." or "Some facts have been changed for dramatic purposes." I guess the thing is he should have had a disclaimer if it weren't all true. Is it fiction if I change someone's name but all the facts are true? And now for something completely different and obscure:My dad and stepmother are going to visit my brother(the straight one) and his wife for Easter. He lives in Colorado and while I lived in Wyoming, I was a couple hours away from him. Even when I was single, they never did talk about seeing me, making that trip. My gf says, "that's how it is...don't want to visit the gay couple." I realize this more and more. I just don't know why it has to be that way. I say LET'S NOT VISIT THE STRAIGHT know what THEY do. hahahaha
9:45 AM

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