
Saturday, September 08, 2007

Be Happy, Be Joyful, Be GAY

Of course, it's not for everyone. I consider being gay kind of special. We are all chosen and since I believe we are born's a given. And wouldn't you know there are so many who try to step on over to our side of the street...yet they have no gay card. There are bad gay people just like there are bad straight people. Most of us didn't know we possessed "the gift" of being gay, so we try straightdom and realize there is something missing.

Oh there are the stereotypes and there wouldn't be stereotypes if there weren't some element of truth to them. As a lesbian, I understand this and have lived it. I have moved in with women I didn't know very after 3 weeks of talking online and 1 visit and another talking on the phone for 1 month and did not meet in person until I moved in with her. I am my own UHAUL and have lived the joke. My longest relationship is the one I am in now, 3 years in January. The other stereotypes about lesbians that I have learned is that they travel in packs and date each other...Lordy is this true.

When I met Cindy and she introduced me to her ex Tina(I shall call her this to be kind), I thought "how interesting". Cindy and Tina remained friends which in and of itself was odd but commendable. I've grown to like Tina although it's a complicated relationship for me, but that's another blog session. Since I have discovered life in "the pack". Through Cindy's stories and meeting people I realize that many of the women have dated each other. I used to think that maybe this was not true for midwest lesbians...but now I know it's universal. I was never in "the pack" until now. Though I have to admit Cindy and I are not really in the pack. Cindy has never dated anyone in the pack except for Tina. Tina sure has though.

Yes, I do have a point to all of this.

There is a couple in the pack, Tish and Karen, who have been together for 10 years. They are the stereotypical butch and Femme couple. Tish is butcher(yes it's an adjective here not a noun) than my dad and Karen is the typical femme woman. This year at the annual lesbian party thrown by our friend Julie, Cindy and I noticed Tish and Karen were no where near each other the whole day. Tish hung around with Cindy and I and another woman who is her buddy. So a couple weeks ago, we sort of were taken aback to learn that Tish and Karen broke up. The story is too weird. Apparently, Tish stated that an old gf named Veronica showed up on her doorstep and she tells Karen that she's always still had feelings for her. So now Tish and Veronica are together and Karen apparently moved back with her gf from 20 years ago.

Aren't lesbians funny?