
Saturday, April 08, 2006

Saturday Morning Dish

It's the weekend and I am grateful for it. I am enjoying my new job. It's really refreshing. I like the clients on my caseload and they seem to like me, which is always a plus.

When I met the parents of one of my clients, an older farming couple, the father says to me after talking with me for awhile, "So what does your husband do?" How I wanted to say, "Well SHE is in the medical field!" I realize this is something that will never change, how people assume your straightness....especially for me, because I have a daughter. So instead I say, "oh I am not married." Then the father says, "Well then, you must have a pretty good life!" haha Yah actually my life is good and GAY. To many I am a single woman just working and I say I have a roommate, many people understand and see through it all I suppose. Coming out at work is not always the best solution as many of us know. But I suppose on days I think I look too butchly(my term for me) then I guess it's good to know I blend in. I just don't want to blend in by being straight. The sacrifices.

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