
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Another Side of Intolerance

Although I really detest the word intolerance/tolerant, I suppose it is the only thing I can come up with right now. There are reasons why I hate it, along with the word retard. I come across this word all too often when I talk to supposedly human beings, about the work I do. It hasn't happened for awhile, but when it does, I can feel myself coming unglued. Just like those of us who are fabulously fabulous...others come across this abhorrant behavior by those who believe they have the power to judge and look down upon others less fortunate or different. Following is a story that happened to me that I will never forget...

Back in 2004, I was living in Cheyenne, Wyoming, working for an agency that worked with developmentally disabled homes and day habilitation services. I originally began working in the group home, but then was asked to work in the main building and help with clients' appointments. I worked closely with one of the nurses that was assigned to one of the group homes, where I used to work. This particular day, the nurse Christine and I were taking Chris(the client) to the dermatologist. Chris was afflicted with Down's Syndrome and was non-verbal. He was all excited when I picked him up in my new car I'd just gotten. So I arrived with Chris to the appointment, meeting the nurse there. We were going there due to a condition Chris had on his toenails. We always had to apply this solution to his toenails, I believe to lessen them, so he could walk better. Now, this solution had eaten away at his nails and now he basically had no toenails left. I sat next to Chris in the exam room while the nurse was there. The doctor comes in and after he looks at Chris's toenails, he begins to talk over Chris's head at me, and at the nurse. He says, "Well, I would agree, that if Chris were another type of person, we would discontinue the solution, but since he's who he is, it really doesn't matter if he has toenails or not. He's not going to be hanging out at the beach."

Are you kidding me? I couldn't be really hearing this right. Chris knew what was going on and the dr's tone, because then he started hitting himself in the face, like he always did when he was upset. I felt like hitting the dr. To say I was angry, was the understatement of the century. I took Chris to day hab and went to talk later with Christine, the nurse. She did not understand why I was so upset with the Dr. She stated from a medical standpoint, she understood, as not having the toenails would make it easier for Chris to walk. She didn't think anything of it because of being a nurse and thinking in medical terms. I suppose this is why the dr didn't seem to care how he talked to him. Or in my mind, he was just an asshole.

I went back to my supervisor and told her how upset I was about this and what had happened. She appeared to agree with me, and she talked to some other people, but what can you do? You can't talk people out of being assholes...we all know it.

I work with this everyday and if anyone ever understood how perceptive these people are, how intelligent, no matter what their disorder...they would see so much. People always tell me how patient I am to work with these people...I lose my patience dealing with so-called regular people who are less intelligent than the people I work with.

So, if you are ever one of those people trying to take advantage or attempt to be inhuman to one of my people...all I can say is God Help You and even HE knows you are being bad....

That's my rant for today, you may go back to what you were doing now. Thankyouverymuch


JulieB said...


KMae said...

Hey btw, I think you have the best blog name of all! "Lost Inside My Mind" !! Brilliant! Wish I had thought of it.

JulieB said...

hey thanks...I've changed it a few times. It's so hard to come up with a good one! I've seen some doozies myself.