
Thursday, July 20, 2006

Things I Hate but cry for...

Well, July 15th was one of the HOTTEST days around here there has been. So...what should we do? Oh yes....let's go to a wedding! And just to make it more uncomfortable, let's have it OUTSIDE! WOOHOOO! I am so grateful it is all over. This was the wedding of Cindy's exgf's daughter. Lord how I despised going to this wedding. It's hard when you don't agree with the actual guy the woman is marrying. Why don't they just live in sin like the rest of us? Once and awhile, he likes to drink, carry on and bust things up, like their apartment. They both have tempers...but let's make it legal. Poor Cindy has dealt with the girl and her mother(her ex) for many years, since the girl was 15 and she is now 23 or so. They all love each other, but I don't think the girl and her mother realize how much they take advantage of my girl. She's so pure at heart, she loves most everyone(except her brother-in-law).

Cindy was delegated to take pictures at the wedding as she is into photography and of course no one has the money for a professional picture taker. Hmmmm. So Cindy asked if I would help her that day. As much as I loathe weddings, I agreed for my girl. This being said, I have to admit, the ceremony was nice, the music was nice and damn if I didn't end up even crying. Many of the lesbians from the girl party were there, including the butch girl with her "wife" and "sister-in-law" who is also a lesbian. I had to wave at the butch girl like we were best buds. For some reason, I really like her....I think it's her outright boldness that I cannot afford to have. I respect and admire it.

So Cindy is taking pictures of people who do NOT want to have their pictures taken. Cindy said she would never want to be a professional for this reason, but by God, was she ever good at getting people together, standing where they should be and calling the shots. I was so proud of her. Once we got to the reception, no one cared about anything but drinking. Cindy worked on what was happening and when this was going to happen and that was going to happen. She got people together, took family pictures, barely had time to eat one could have been more professional. She held it together...until the kids came along! Of course, no parent was watching the kids running back and forth in front of the camera or popping balloons. The final time the kids ran in front of my girl....was indeed the final time as she exploded, "You kids go over there and SIT DOWN!" I had to laugh to myself, because anyone that knows Cindy, knows how calm and good natured she hardly ever see her mad, but when she is, watch out! I do believe that is the first time I've ever seen her mad in over a year and a half together. Living with me, the woman has to have a shitload of tolerance and patience!

When the bride and groom danced, I saw Cindy's ex(the mother) crying and I lost it then, as I kept thinking that one day, maybe it would be Brittany's wedding and Lord knows how or even IF I could hold it together that long. I am the most horrible person at these events. I turn into a wallflower. Plus I was busy trying to pull myself together. Once I start with the leaky faucets(as my dad would say) I cannot stop easily. I didn't want to eat or really talk to anyone. Who knows why I am that way. Oh I talked to a few people but of course, I didn't know many of them. God I couldn't wait to get home. Once we were at home, Cindy hugged me and said, "We don't need any of that to know how we feel." AMEN I do think, however, that there should be marriage for everyone, everywhere, regardless, and it shouldn't be a legal question AT ALL. It should just be. End of story.

Another thing I hate(but don't cry over) is selfish greedy people....especially in young people. The way this whole thing is going to work with the pictures is... Cindy has to take them in and get them developed, paying for them outright, then her ex will make her payments. 2 days after the wedding, the bride calls and I answer, the first thing she says, "ARE THE PICTURES DONE YET?" I thought " you little aren't even paying for them." YAh I wasn't too please at how rude she was. This has been Cindy's life with these people. There isn't much that makes me more angry than ungrateful people.

See if I go to her divorce party!

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