
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's Just a WORD


I absolutely LOVE words. Never have I learned this lesson more as when working with my clients. Many times, they take things literally and you are thrown for a loop to come up with something they would understand.

I've thought about words recently in light of the political climate today and more specifically, in regards to Dr. Laura. Granted, I think she is a horrid judgmental woman with an ax to grind. Her use of the "N-word" was pretty disgusting and now I see where she is quitting so "I can say what I want". Really? Thought you did that already. She claims freedom of speech...blah blah blah. Is it freedom of speech to incite hatred and your sense of disgust? It is one thing to speak your opinion but yet another to be so irresponsible that you do not care about the consequences for what you say. I remember when she said that gays were a "biological error". Reeeeaaalllly. Who is she to say what God intended?

It does bring up a powerful argument, however appalling. There are a few words to describe a class of people(minorities) that are equally as disgusting. I think the problem is(as Ms L---I don't give her the distinction of Drhood--alluded to in her rant) that black people call themselves the N-word and hey, shouldn't it be okay for others to call them that too? I guess you'd think so under this argument. I feel this way about other words: "retard", "fag", "Dyke" . The same argument can apply. I am guilty of using "dyke" about myself because in my world it is a positive word. The more I've thought of this debate, the more I realize...if we want others to stop using these words, we as a group (gays, blacks, etc) need to stop using them within our own world. Everyone around me knows I HATE the word "retard"...yet I hear many teenagers and young people using it. If you stop someone from saying it around you, they will have to search for a new word. Like "that's kinda gay". Hell, I've been guilty of that because there are times, let's face it, it fits.

I think it's up to us to change within ourselves before we can expect others to take that step.

Oh yah...and that word TOLERANCE. I hate that me, it means 'I'm just putting up with you because I'm better than you'. So...Ms L....I'm tolerating you.

Peace and Love in abundance :-)


KMae said...

Hey ya little word freak you!!
So glad to have you back blogging if only for a moment.

It's hard for me too-
fb is just SO much easier....

But I manage to squeeze out a word or two on KMae 4x a month.

There is a fabulous blooger named Maria on Just Eat Your Cupcake. You would love her, she also contributes to Ourbig Gayborhood - did you ever check out the writers on there?

How's the book coming along?

KMae said...