Well here I sit contemplating my life, such as it is...and wondering WHAT THE !@#$$. The majority of my life is so good, it's scary. Of course, that means Cindy. Enter Brittany.
This is an odd stage of her life and mine. Just when you think your child is moving on to another phase...you realize you are responsible for this too. I understand that this is the reason she is here with me...she needs this guidance.
Brittany is out of control. It's only getting worse. How do you reason with someone who is unreasonable and unreachable? Hell if I could answer that question, I'd be richer than I am today. It has come to the point where I cannot even talk to her without some sort of violent outburst. I made a suggestion to her about brushing her teeth longer...singing a song, etc...and she blew up, screaming at me. Later that night she tells me I made it sound like she had to do it. This tells me only her age and body have changed over the years. All of these things have been brewing. Her sense of reality is so far off the radar....there is no radar. It's all making me crazy. She has started slamming the doors harder and throwing things...this is where I draw the line. That being said....I know she has no where else to go and I cannot throw her out. But if she continues on this distructive path...she will have to go somewhere.
So...I have some calls into people to help me get some more immediate help for her. In the meantime....
I feel like screaming.
Is this a repost too? Or is this really happening again?
repost...no, haven't heard from her since her letter on Labor day. Just as well
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