
Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Best Holiday Treat

I still wonder if I am dreaming or I am some old Twilight Zone episode...
Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, Brittany and I drove to see my mother. We were meeting at a mexican restaurant. My mom didn't know for sure Brittany was able to come, so it was an exciting moment when my mom walked in. We stood side by side and she grinned, "she looks just like you!" Brittany went to shake her hand and my mom said, "how about a hug!?" So they hugged and all I could do was smile and I about cried! So there we were, 3 generations. It was awesome, no matter what's happened before. We talked about so many things that suddenly almost 2 hours had gone by. She also gave me some old pictures of me as a child and they were funny to look through. We also talked about the goofy things I did, getting myself in trouble as a child. Brittany got a big kick out of that! I could have never dreamed things could go so well. We agreed that no more time should go by and I think we are grateful for the way things have happened. It feels so good and for the first time in twenty years, I feel complete having both my parents. This is the first holiday I've been able to see both of them and it's hard to describe how good it feels.

Brittany really likes her and I think it feels strange to her having another grandma. I think my mom really wanted to have this happen long ago and she, too, has missed out.

It just goes to show you never know how things will come to be. I am so thankful for it all.

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