While I am not the most politically involved person, I found myself curious about the Vice Presidential debate. Granted, I did not stick around for the entire thing and am so glad I didn't. Our country is in a mess. Who knows if we will ever recover. There is so much I don't understand and even more that I am at odds with. One thing though, that I understood loud and clear from both sides is our government holds no value for many of us as gay americans. Oh sure, like that's a new statement. It's not. If you are gay, you are good enough to pay taxes but not good enough to have the same rights as other so-called americans.
I had read about Palin's church and how they have a program to "pray away the gay" as I call it, so that already turned me off)though I've never been a Republican and never will I am sure. When I hear straight people say that dreaded T word (Tolerance), I just cringe. Others may feel that is the most appropriate word, but I think it's the ugliest nastiest word to use. I suppose black americans have felt the same their whole history. It's saying...I "tolerate" you but you are not good enough to be like me. It's like just "putting up" with someone because they are there. I guess I should not be so angry because it's something that will most likely never change. I guess I should feel good that the democrats want to "allow" civil rights to a same sex partnership but not marriage. As I have stated previously, I do not want marriage for myself but in no way do I think the government should be able to tell a person who they can be with or marry. Then Biden says that should be left up to "faith". That is where the whole thing goes awry for me. I can call myself "spiritually religious" and feel good about it. I told Cindy that the question should have been posed to both sides, "what if one of your children came to you and told you they were gay?" What would your response be? Maybe their answer would be the same. And maybe they would take a little more time to think before they "tolerate" us. I really believe that none of this should even be talked about in a political arena, but it has to be because we have no rights.
Maybe if children didn't have the straight world shoved down their throat from the beginning, it wouldn't be such a traumatic thing later on. Maybe then we all wouldn't have to waste half our lives living a life we were never meant to live.
They are tolerant of us. I beg to differ...I believe it is us that is tolerating them.
But why does it always have to be US vs. THEM?
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"They are tolerant of us. I beg to differ...I believe it is us that is tolerating them."
I agree with Tina.
This is the thing...
We dont have a chance in hell with McCain.
Obama wants to get elected. He won't if he gets on the gay marraige bandwagon. Let him get in & then we can try to effect a bigger change.
Biden slipped in the VP debate & said the words 'gay marraige' when talking about supporting same sex rights. But then when asked if he supported gay marraige, he immediately said no. That would have been instant death for Obama's chances.
I know it sucks.
I'm just sayin'.....
I think it's right about mccain most definitely. I think it's a sad statement. I've never been for that side but I've been unsure about obama. It's a crap shoot.
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