It's been 3 years since I've seen this tree, but I love looking at it. I was visiting Cindy and we hiked a trail through the woods near Indian Lake Park, not far from here. I think back to those simple times when all I could think of was being with Cindy and soaking up every last second with her before I had to go back home.
I think we've lost the ability to be simple. I watch people and it's kind of distressing how no one really talks to anyone anymore, face to face, without interruptions. People are always on the phone. If it's not attached to our hand, it's on our ear. Those blue tooth things looks so strange, like some kind of growth on your ear. In a world of mass technology, where do we fit in? How can we be simple again...or even human?
We are all at war and not just in other countries, but within ourselves. It's a fight against others telling us how to live, who we should love, who we should marry, what God to love and who to hate. Those who have the most money WINS! But what do we win? Hell, you can't take it with you. And more importantly, what have we lost?
So for me, I want to be human lover, not a hater.
I know Sweetheart, it was simpler at those times. That is why they mean so much not only to you, but to me too. Technolgy can easily swallow us because it is so much a part of our lives just to communicate. Very few wants to sit down and "write" a letter with there hand when it's faster to type an e-mail. It's easier to tell someone I'll call you later on my cell than sit down with that person with a soda or coffee or any favorite beverage and just visit. Just think how far back in time everything would be now if there was no gas or electric. We just have to realize that time with someone means more than busy schedules. Otherwise, we become lost in technology alone with a cell phone, laptop and a bluetooth in our ear with no one to call. Stay "human" with your girl Tweets!!
"...war within ourselves.."
strikes a chord..
sorry to say..
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