
Monday, April 30, 2007

That Which Does Not Kill Us....

Yah, whatever. Okay, so it won't kill me and I know I've been through worse catastrophes...but it all still baffles me. Here's the update:

Brittany is here, a part of my NOW life. I still to this day, have not heard one word from the foster mother, S. (I feel like being mean and typing her whole name...but I digress). I have been on the phone constantly attempting to figure out things that should have already been figured out. Brittany is in school here and has even made a few friends, which thrills me to no end. She says she is happy here, there have been no angry outbursts, though there have been some intense emotional conversations. I've worked with her on talking about things instead of shutting herself off. I take the time to sit with her and talk things out. She has thanked me many times for allowing her to move in and told me how sorry she is that all this has happened. I really do believe her and feel good that she is aware of how much things have changed for everyone. She adores Cindy and we all entertain each other.

I have been making the rounds with social security and am now trying to get her on medicaid, which I do think will go through. My brother who just graduated with honors in Psychology has helped get me some information to get her tested with a neuropsychologist to see where things stand. What a kid! Both of them! LOL

So...all in all...I know it will work out how it is supposed to. I really believe that it's the best thing, though the stress of it all has me going insane.

Oh well. Life is a I'm on the detour.

P.S. Hi KMAE...what are you doing for OUR birthday? 5/24? LOL

Peace and HUGS


Landlady of Fat said...

Sounds like she knows there are difficulties for you... I mean, she acknowledged them, right??

Progress! :D

Good luck! :)

JulieB said...

YES! It's the little victories!

KMae said...

OMG!! We share the same birthday, somehow I forgot! How old will YOU be? I'll be 60!

About Brittany -WOW.
Cindy is an amazing & wonderful person to be so open to this all. She LOVES you, JulieB!

I haven't been able to log in to blogger comments, so I'll see if this works.

KMae said...


Well, back to Brittany...
It ALMOST sounds as if you may have this under control.. However I KNOW there is no way to control something like this. I guess the foster mom just can't deal anymore. Hmmm. Maybe she would respond if Britt emailed her or called & left a message or wrote a letter.

I still say, you are so blessed by Cindy - because her life has changed so accutely & she is hanging in, I know I would have probably had big problems with it.

xxoo Thank GOD this is working out.

JulieB said...

Thanks for all the comments! YEs KMAE they worked YAY!

Yes 5/24 I will be 42. I think it's great we share a birthday...we are somewhere in the cosmos!

Yes, I am truly blessed by Cindy and I am still amazed by her fortitude. I am not so sure I could have handled it if the situation were reversed.