
Friday, March 19, 2010

Human Rights Gone Wrong...

It's hard to say much against Human Rights, since its importance is so tatamount to our existence. In essence, it's what we are all fighting for. But it's all wrong.

At least in this instance. I've worked for 15 years with developmentally disabled and I can say that I know ALOT about how they function, how they think and what is important to them. I've worked with some that are total care and some that are higher functioning and need guidance to make adult decisions with a somewhat childlike mind. These people are harder to work with because they have a mind of their own and don't think twice about telling you. As I've written in previous entries, I managed a group home with 3 ladies, higher functioning but still required 24 hour supervision. Since I was asked to step down and I quit, the ladies have been transitioning into new staff and a new STUPID way of running the house. The house is actually a duplex and the other side is a group home with 3 other ladies. Soooo, since the other manager was fired(just because she was a psycho bitch from hell), they(management), in their not-so-infinite wisdom, decided to save money by hiring only 1 manager to work both sides. What they have failed to understand is...oh anything about the clients they say they are assisting. I still know what is going on because I have maintained contact with the clients while they are out in the community to help with the transition and because I care for them.

So what's my beef? My beef is in allowing clients "choice" has been detremental to them. I ran into this while I was there. Clients eating junk food all day long, gaining weight like crazy and being told to have their dr put them on a diet but when they won't follow it. "Well we can't force them to follow it." Oh we can't force them to follow rules or clean up after themselves. The point is that if they don't, there will be consequences. Big deal.

There is 1 client who, since I left, has not followed any rules, not cleaned her room(or probably herself too often). She has a boyfriend who they have allowed into her room and a few days ago, they had sex with the door open and one of the other ladies saw the whole thing. Oh, she HAS to leave the door open when he's up there. She has chosen to move out, though her parents will not take her back(yay for them). There is no one there to guide her into adult decisions. I have always treated them like adults and yes, having sex is an adult thing but the way things are handled because of the push for human rights is deplorable. It's all a system and it's a scam. Make money off of these people while pretending to do what's best for them to be productive members of society.

When will we be a society that takes responsibility for the decisions we make?