2010. Did we ever think it would get here? When I think of where I've been the last 10 years...I'm grateful to be right where I am. I've spent the past 5 years (woohooo!) with the great love of my life, so for that I will be eternally grateful. I really didn't know what I'd write about, but suddenly I've decided to write about where I've been since 2000.
Y2WTF: I remember Y2K vividly. I was working in Wyoming, managing a group home for developmentally disabled adults. I was invited to a new year's party...not exactly where I wanted to be when the world dissolved. Tick Tock...12:01am...whew, we are FINE! At home, I remember life in turmoil because of Brittany's behaviors. I'd bought a trailer home and at least we were on the outskirts of town. I'd been alone for some time and chose to be that way due to Brittany's issues. The biggest thing in the year 2000: I began writing THE PURSE(more on that later)
2001: This was the year Brittany's behaviors were just out of control. I couldn't live life without turmoil. Hardest year of my life. In April, Brittany went to a youth home in Wyoming. I remember the feeling of peace and the weight of everything lifted off my shoulders upon my return home, without her. I felt guilty for feeling so wonderful. Brittany's struggles were plenty this year. In October, she was kicked out of the youth home and sent to a foster home. 2001 was filled with lots of chaos.
2002: I spent alot of time writing THE PURSE, which was a big ole dose of therapy and kept my time filled. I worked as a night supervisor for the same agency and saw Brittany when I could.
Met a woman Sue and decided it was time to try. Sue was different for sure, but she definitely sparked my interest, even though she was much older. She was from Illinois but moving to Wyoming in a few months.
2003: I got a better job in Cheyenne, WY and moved into an apartment. I loved Cheyenne! I still do...so beautiful, so much to see. I loved meeting new friends and learning a new city!
2004: In the fall, I had Brittany for a visit(older posts regarding this) and she made up a story that I had sexually abused her. For 3 months, I made phone call after phone call. Finally it was dropped. Due to this, I thought it would be better for me to move back home to Iowa. My grandmother needed some help, so the timing was perfect. In November, I started chatting with Cindy online(the rest is HERstory!) I moved to Marshalltown, IA in December, 04.
2005: January 8: I met Cindy in person for the first time. I was in love before we met in person. I was so brazen, I walked into the hotel room, went up to her and kissed her right there!! I have NEVER done that before. She was the one I'd been waiting for my whole life. The one who makes me laugh, doesn't judge me no matter how much of a doofus I'm being...yet the one who gives me a swift kick when I need it. Not to mention her gorgeousness. I'm so lucky. I struggled with what to do...stay with my grandmother or Cindy. It was a tough transition, but my grandmother needed more help than I could give. In June, I moved in with Cindy. I had a couple of different jobs but nothing I was content with.
2006: Found a job in Burlington, IA making less money but it was M-F and I loved it. In June, I took Cindy to meet my Dad and stepmom...they loved her and we ended up staying way longer than we planned because they wanted to take us out for supper! HA! Life was good!
2007: March, Brittany showed up on my doorstep for a visit. She'd turned 18 and the foster parents basically threw her out. She thought she was going back to finish school...they didn't want her coming back but didn't have the BALLS to tell me that. They never sent her clothes, things...nothing. I hope karma comes to bite them in the ass...and I hope it's a motherfucker.
Bless Cindy for her strength and undying love and support...always, but especially during this time. 2007 was also the year I lost 2 close friends, my friend Judy from Wyoming who was like a 2nd mother, but more. She didn't take shit off of anyone! And Julie whom I adored. She was a the sister of Cindy's ex. She loved me because I always gave her shit and was good with the comeback lines. She died suddenly of a brain aneurysm at 48. God I miss them both.
2008: May, Brittany graduated! But oh Lordy...it was a struggle, but oh what a day I will never forget. My grandmother June passed away and suddenly, my mother came back into my life after much prodding from me and never giving up no matter how long it took me. After 19 years, getting to know my mother and her me was quite the experience. I also took Cindy to meet her and she loves her too. Did I ever pick the right girl!
2009: What a year. I was promoted at my job and working 2 jobs. The money was great but time was sacrificed with Cindy. Brittany had her own apartment but then lost it. It's a revolving door! In the summer, I reported information that was detrimental to my boss(see older posts) and in November, I was asked to step down. Again, Karma.... In December, I submitted a query for my book THE PURSE to a literary agency and they accepted and are representing me to sell it!
YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT'S COMIN FOR YA! It could be good or bad or both...but it's one helluva ride!
COME ON 2010.....show me
Let's all have a better year!