It's weird. It seems like forever since I've written. yah stuff happened. And it's still happening. Guess that's life for ya.
August was an odd month for me. I had planned to attend my 25th high school reunion. My friend and I were going to go until I got the invite saying it was $33/person. All this for mostly people I didn't know. There were over 800 people in my class and I maybe knew 5 well. None of which I've kept in much contact except for my friend Mariann, whom I've known since we were 12. So we decided to just hang out. She and her common law man LOL and Cindy and I. They had never met Cindy so it was a good opportunity.
Something else going on was about my mother. I'd written several times since I talked with her at my grandmother's memorial in May. There had been no response. But I kept writing. So the last time, I decided to email, which I got from the jokes my aunt had sent me. My mother lives in the same city I grew up in and hence, the same city where the reunion was. The first weekend I wanted to stop by and see her and she actually called me. It's the first phone call in over 20 yrs. It was awesome. So then the next weekend was the actual reunion weekend. I knew Cindy would be with me. I thought, well...might as well see if she is willing to meet Cindy. So I sent her another email the next week. She said she'd like to meet Cindy....BUT could she just meet us somewhere? I'm thinking this has more to do with my stepfather than anything. so we set it up to meet at a bar/grill called "THE FILLING STATION". Mariann ended up tagging along which I was not thrilled about. The girl does NOT take a hint well. It was nice introducing Cindy to her and funny to me that Mariann is really really gray and my mother says to me, "I suppose you dye your hair." I said, "no, I never have." I guess people think I should be totally gray by now!
So we had appetizers and tea and lemonade. My mother even asked how Cindy and I met and actually wanted to know. She made conversation and it was not awkward at all like I was expecting. I think she was even surprised herself. But that's my girl Cindy for you! She is a charmer.
Know what's the kicker? A few days later in the mail, Cindy and I both got cards from my mother saying what a good time she had and Cindy seems so nice and friendly! Who knows where it all will go, but it's a good thing and long overdue. I am trying to have Brittany and I venture there to meet some Saturday as I know she wants to meet her and vice versa.
So life seems pretty fair now. Brittany is going today for an appt for birth control. YAY. Finally. I just wish she didn't have to have it! LOL those days are gone.
Cindy and I are going on vacation soon to Cheyenne WY to a friend's wedding and then back to the cabin in Clear Lake IA. Odie is joining us, so THAT should be interesting!
Peace in the valley